• info@dynamicmfi.com
  • (+251)115577285

Loan Products

Dynamic MFI has developed a range of market responsive credit products tailor-made to the needs of its target customers including: 

Agricultural (Group) Loan

·     This type of financing is specially adapted to the specific financial needs of farmers and allows them to agriculture inputs equipment, seed, fertilizer, chemical (pesticide, weed), marketing, and do other things that are necessary to keep their farms running.

·         A 1 year loan term  

MSE Loan

·         These are small loans to micro and small entrepreneurs to expand small and sustainable business.

·         1-3 years loan term 

Business (Individual) Loan

·         It’s a personal loan for that can cover a number of personal expenses or to start their business.

·         1- 3 years loan term 


·         More Young Entrepreneurs in Silk and Honey (MOYESH) Programme to contribute to government efforts reducing youth unemployment in the country.

·         1- 2 years loan term    

WASH Loan 

·         This type of loan is used for water, sanitation and hygiene sector.

·         1- 2 years loan term   

Housing Loan

·         A term loan for Individuals (non-business) customers to finish/renovate a house.

·         1-5 years loan term  

Special Loan

·         A term loan for customers used to finance their temporary working capital needs and/or meet other short term financial constraints of the business.

·         A 6 months loan term 

Requirements to Access the Loan

·         Age: 18 years of age or above

·         Residence: Residence within operation area of the branch

·         Income: Gainfully employed in income generating activity

·         Outstanding: No outstanding loan

·         Collateral: Able to produce adequate guarantor or collateral (Individual or group borrower)